VoIP Mobile App

How to Use the VoIP Mobile App

  1. POM IT will send you an email invite to create a password that will be used for the general online portal as well as the GoVoIP app. Email should come from notify@pomitvoip.com. Please note your "Login" shown in the email you will need to enter that later. It should look something like 101@pom-it
  2. Install the GoVoIP mobile app on your phone
    1. iPhone - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/govoip/id1110083355
    2. Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.govoip2&hl=en_US&gl=US
  3. Open the app and consent to all permissions requested
  4. When prompted to enter a "Host ID" enter "apollo"
  5. Enter the username/"Login" shown in email you received when creating your account and the password you created


Please note: the mobile app uses either Wi-Fi or mobile data (not traditional cell service) for phone calls through the app. If you don't have a good steady connection to either Wi-Fi or mobile data the app may not work properly.